Masanori Yamada, Ph.D
Professor, Digital Society Creation Division, Data-Driven Innovation initiative, Kyushu University (also affiliated with the Learning Analytics Center, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies). Born in Kyoto in 1977. Previously worked at NTT Comware Corporation, Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Social and Human Sciences, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Special Research Fellow (DC2), The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, Benesse Advanced Educational Technology Laboratory (BEAT) as a Project Assistant Professor, Kanazawa University Center for the Development of University Education, and Kyushu University Institute for Comprehensive Education as an Associate Professor before assuming the current position. Served as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan, School of Information from September 2021 to August 2022. Holds a Ph.D. (Science) from Tokyo Institute of Technology. Co-authored works include "Educational Pedagogy of Digital Textbooks" (University of Tokyo Press) and "Social Media Tools and Platforms in Learning Environments: Present and Future" (Springer), and co-edited "Educational Technology Series 7: Informal Learning" (Minerva Shobo). Recipient of the Information Processing Society of Japan Conference Encouragement Award, Japan Society for Educational Technology Research Encouragement Award, CALICO Outstanding Paper Award, International Conference of Web-based Learning 2014 (ICWL 2014) Best Paper Award, and IEEE ICALT 2015 Best Short Paper Award, among others.
Email address: mark [atmark] mark-lab.net
Professional Preparation
Graduated from Kyoto Prefectural Nishijoyo High School
Enrolled in the College of Letters at Ritsumeikan University
Graduated from the College of Letters at Ritsumeikan University (Advisor: Associate Professor Masashi Hattori, currently Professor)
Enrolled in the Master's Program in the Department of Human Behavior Systems, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology at Tokyo Institute of Technology
Completed the Master's Program at the same university, earning a Master of Engineering degree (supervised by Professor Kanji Akahori).
Enrolled in the Doctoral Program at the same university
Completed the Doctoral Program at the same university, earning a Doctor of Philosophy degree (supervised by Professor Kanji Akahori).
Professional history
Director of the Division of Digital Society Creation, Institute for Data-Driven Innovation Initiative, Kyushu University
University of Michigan, Visiting Scholar, School of Information
Kyushu University, Director of R & D section, Learning Analytics Center
Kyushu University, Associate Professor, Faculty of arts and science
Kanazawa University, Associate Professor, Research Center for Higher Education
Center for Research on Educational Testing, Visiting Researcher
Aoyama Gakuin University, Visiting Fellow, Human Innovation Research Center
The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (III)
The University of Tokyo, Project Assistant Professor, III
The University of Tokyo, Visiting Assistant Professor, III
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellow for Young Scientists
Shobi University, Part-time lecturer, Policy and Management
Bunkyo University, Part-time lecturer, Informatics
Aoyama Gakuin University, Visiting Fellow, Research center for e-Learning Professional Competency
Tokyo University of Technology, Part-time Lecturer, Informatics
- Research areas and fields
- Academic societies and communities that I belongs
- Master thesis and Doctoral dissertation
- Patents
- Academic works (e.g., academic committee member)
- Keynote, Lecture and so on
- Administration works in University
Research areas and fields
We are currently conducting research on learning environments using ICT from the perspectives of educational technology and learning sciences. Specifically, our research includes:
- Research on learning environment design with learning analytics
- Research on learning environment design applying self-regulated learning theory
- Research on lesson design based on learning analytics in primary and secondary education
- Research on the design, development, and evaluation of learning support systems based on the “Community of Inquiry”
- Research on the development and evaluation of game-based learning environments based on instructional design
- Research on collaborative language learning support environments using ICT
- Research on the design, development, and evaluation of active learning support environments outside the classroom
- Research on the reorganization of university libraries as learning spaces, including the design and impact assessment of learning commons
Academic societies and communities that I belongs
- Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
- Japanese Cognitive Science Society (JCSS)
- Japanese Society for Educational Technology (JSET)
- Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education(JSiSE)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Senior member
- Society for Learning Analytics Research(SoLAR)
Master thesis and Doctoral dissertation
- Masanori Yamada, System Design for Synchronous CMC-based Communicative Language Learning, Doctoral Dissertation, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate school of Human System and Sciences
- Masanori Yamada, Development and evaluation of a distance learning support system for the acquisition of English communication skills, Master Thesis, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate school of Human System and Sciences
- recommendation system, Recommend Method, Recommendation programs and information storage media, Yamauchi, Y., Yamada, M., Kitamura, S., Matsukawa, H., Wake, T., Sakaguchi, S., Yoritaka, M., Tokyo University, Benesse Corporation, 2010/12/1, 2014/3/1, 5451644
- Weakness detection system and method, Yamauchi, Y., Kitamura, S.、Yamada, M., Matsukawa, H., Wake, T., Sakaguchi, S., Yoritaka, M., Tokyo University, Benesse Corporation, 2010/12/1, 2014/3/1, 5411251
- Live distribution server and live distribution method, Ariga, T., Yamada, M., Nakamura, M., Ito, T., NTT Comware Corporation, 2002/6/1, 2004/4/1, 2004-15750
Academic works (e.g., academic committee member)
- Chair of the Expert Meeting on the Future of Municipal High Schools with Specialized Courses, Fukuoka City Board of Education (2023-2024)
- Co-chair of Track No.14 at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2022-2024)
- Program Committee Member of Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2023)
- EDUSummit 2023 TWE4 Member (Drafting Recommendations for the Application of Self-Regulated Learning Theory in UNESCO EDUSummit)
- Program Committee Member of Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2022)
- Program Committee Member of The IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE 2022)
- Program Committee Member of Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2021)
- Program Committee Member of The IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE 2021)
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Scientific Research Grants (SRG)(2019-2020)
- Publication chair of The IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE2020)
- Program Committee member of International Conference on Learning Analytics in Asia (LA-Asia 20)
- Program Committee member of Learning Analytics and Knowledge(LAK 2020) Data Challenge Workshop
- Program Committee member of Learning Analytics and Knowledge(LAK 2020)
- Program Committee member of Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA 2020)
- Program Committee member of The IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE2019)
- Program Committee member of Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA 2019)
- Program Committee member of The IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE 2018)
- Program Co-chair of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2018 sub conference on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)(2018)
- Program committee member of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications (DLSA 2018)(2018)
- Director of the Japan Society of Educational Workers (in charge of the Spring National Conference)(2018- )
- Educational Advisor, Tomeikan Junior & Senior High School, Tomeikan Gakuen(2017-2020)
- Member, Subcommittee for Complex Area I, Review Committee 2, 2nd Stage, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), FY 2009(2017)
- Program Committee of The 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2017)(2017)
- Program committee member of 6th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 2017(2017)
- Program committee member of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2017 sub conference on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)(2017)
- Program Committee of The 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2016)
- Program committee member of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2016 sub conference on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)(2016)
- Editorial board member of Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL)(2016-2018)
- 1st International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education 2016(SETE 2016) Workshop Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) Organizer(2016)
- Council Member, ICT Proficiency Test Association (P-Test Association)(2016-)
- Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education(APSCE) ICCE TELL SIG chair(2016-2017)
- Japan Educational Workers’ Association (JEEA) Jury Members (2015-2017)
- Itosima City Board of Education ICT Education Promotion Project Member of ICT Education Promotion Council(2015-2016)
- Program Committee Member of 2015 International Workshop on Learning Analytics, Technology Adoption, and Language Learning in the Big-Data Era(LATALL 2015) (2015)
- Member of the Research Promotion Council for the “New Learning Project” at Fukuoka Prefectural High School(2015-)
- Member of Short Letter Editorial Committee, Japan Society for Educational Technology (2015-2016)
- Program Committee of The 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015)
- Technical Program Committee of WebET 2014 (WWW 2014 Workshop on Web-based Education Technologies)(2013 – 2014)
- Member, Editorial Board, Special Issue on “Learning Environment and Learning Support in the Age of One-Terminal Per Student”, The Japan Society for Educational Technology(2013 – 2014)
- Program Committee of The 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2014)
- Program Committee of 3rd International Symposium on Engineering, Energy and Environment 2013
- Program Committee of AECT International Conference on the Frontier in e-Learning Research (AECT-ICFER) 2013 (2013)
- Technical program committee member of IEEE The 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and e-Services 2013(ICITeS’2013)
- Technical program committee member of IEEE International Conference on Computer Application Technology (ICCAT) 2013
- Editorial Board Secretary, Special Issue on “Improvement of University Education and FD”, The Japan Society for Educational Technology (2012)
- ILI(Information Literacy Instruction)Librarian Development Project Collaborators (2012.4-2013.3) Project grants by the Library Advancement Foundation
- Vice editorial chief of special issue “Informal Learning in the Information Society”, Japan Society of Educational Technology (2012 – 2013)
- NHK Education, Inc. NHK High School Course – Basic English “Let’s Start with Cho Basics! Web teaching material development design http://www.nhk.or.jp/kokokoza/tv/basiceng/clip/
- Program committee member of IEEE International Conference on Education & E-Learning Innovations (ICEELI) 2012
- Program committee member of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2012 sub conference on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)
- Editorial review board member of “Handbook of Research Didactic Strategies and Technologies for Education Incorporating Advancements” published by IGI global (2012 – 2013)
- The International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED) 6th International Technology, Education and Development (INTED) 2012 Scientific Advisory Board Member (2011.11 – 2012.3)
- Japan Society of Education and Technology Special Project (FD) Committee(2010.9 – 2012.6)
- Member of the Japan Society of Education and Engineering (JSEI)(2009.7 – 現在)
- Japan Society of Education and Technology Research Committee Members(2009.7 – 2011.6)
- NRI Learning Network Corporation, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Commissioned Project, Demonstration Experiment on Utilization Methods for Dissemination of PBL Teaching Materials (ICT Management Field 2) for Advanced ICT Human Resource Development (Survey Research), External Advisor(2008.12 – 2009.2)
- Member of the Special Committee on ICT Research and Survey, The Association for College English Teaching(2009.1 – 2009.3)
- Committee of the 25th National Conference of the Japan Society of Education and Technology(2008.10 – 2009.9)
- Japan Society of Education and Technology General Assembly Planning Committee Member(2009.1 – 2013.1)
- Member, Committee for the Development and Application of New Technology, The Society for Information Science and Systems in Education(2009.10 – 2011.9)
- Member of SNS New Technology Creation Committee, Society for Information Science and Systems in Education(2008.12 – 2009.10)
- Research and Planning Committee, University English Education Association(2008.5 – now)
- Development of official support site for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Model Project for Promoting Sharing of Educational Information” (e-Teacher Project) and support for project operation(2003.4 – 2005.3)
Keynote, Lecture and so on
- Learning Analytics at the University of Michigan:My Learning Analytics(MyLA), Masanori Yamada, 46th Cyber Symposium on Online Education and Digital Transformation at Universities and Other Institutions "DX Symposium for Educational Institutions, 2022/2/4
- What can learning analytics do to improve the quality of education?, Masanori Yamada, Hiroshima City University 2021 FD Seminar "Educational DX Initiatives", 2021/11/19
- Session "How to Foster Active Learners Even Online", Masanori Yamada, Edvation x Summit 2021, 2021/11/18
- How can educational data be used for lesson design and support?, Masanori Yamada, New Education Expo 2021, 2021/6/4
- What can learning analytics do to develop autonomous learners?, Masanori Yamada, Japan Society for Educational Technology, Spring National Conference 2021, Self-organized Symposium, 2021/3/7
- What Can Learning Analytics Do to Develop Autonomous Learners?, Masanori Yamada, Kyoto University Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies Seminar "Educational Transformation through the Utilization of Educational Data: Future Prospects Based on Past Practical Knowledge, 2021/1/19
- Class development with ICT: Things Learning Analytics Reveals, Masanori Yamada, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Life Science and Engineering, FD Training Session, 2020/10/29
- Taking the opportunity of the Corona Disaster to think about the classroom improvements that can be made with ICT: an approach from learning analytics, Masanori Yamada, Kagoshima University Faculty of Education FD, 2020/7/30
- It's an online class, so let's do it! Classroom Improvement through Learning Analytics, Masanori Yamada, Kyushu University Active Learning Classroom FD, 2020/7/10
- Grading from the Perspective of Class Design: What Will Change and What Will Not Change with Online-Based Teaching, Masanori Yamada, The 5th Cyber Symposium for Sharing Efforts of Universities and Other Organizations for Distance Learning from April, 2020/4/24
- Toward Evidence-based Instructional Design~Case of Collaborative Problem Solving Class with Learning Analytics in High School, Masanori Yamada, Science Council of Japan Open Symposium "International Symposium on Evidence-Based Education through Learning Analytics", 2019/3/22
- To support teaching and learning based on learning analytics, Masanori Yamada, UeLA & JADE Joint Forum JADE Symposium 2018, 2019/3/15
- Use of ICT to deepen independent and interactive learning ,and issues to be addressed in the future, Masanori Yamada, Kyoiku-Kei Shimbun 55th Seminar for Board of Education, Fukuoka, 2019/2/8
- Development of education and learning support using educational big data, Masanori Yamada, Tanabe Management Seminar, 2018/11/23
- Active learning design based on learning analytics, Masanori Yamada, Nanzan University FD Project, 2018/11/22
- Classroom Improvement Based on Learning Analytics - Deployment of Learning Analytics Possible Because of BYOD, Masanori Yamada, Kansai University FD Forum: "Classroom teaching and learning environment using BYOD? Thinking about the learning environment, 2018/11/10
- Visualization of learning outcomes based on learning analytics, Masanori Yamada, Nihon Fukushi University AP Symposium, 2018/8/24
- Learning Support Tutoring Seminar, Masanori Yamada, Seinan Gakuin University Library Seminar, 2018/6/26
- Changing Classes through the Use of School Libraries - Active Learning Made Possible by School Libraries, Masanori Yamada, Fukuoka Prefectural Board of Education School Librarian Teachers' Workshop, 2018/6/14
- What do learning behaviors promote sense of self regulated learning? - from learning analytics view-, Masanori Yamada, Asia University AI in Learning Technology Forum, 2018/6/1
- Intersection of psychological data and learning logs- Can learning logs predict self-regulated learning? -, Masanori Yamada, Symposium on Learning Analytics - Development of Education and Learning Support Using Educational Big Data, 2018/3/22
- Writing Workshop, Masanori Yamada, Okayama University of Science Report Writing Seminar, Lecturer, 17.11.2017, 2017/11/17
- Writing Workshop, Masanori Yamada, Okayama University of Science Report Writing Seminar, Lecturer, 20.09.2017, 2017/9/20
- Active learning design using ICT, Masanori Yamada, Tochiminkan Gakuen Summer Education Research Association, 2017/8/25
- University Libraries Change Universities? Possibilities and Challenges of University Libraries, Masanori Yamada, Maruzen Yushodo University Library Staff Workshop, 2017/2/25
- Support for improvement of teaching and learning based on Learning Analytics (LA), Masanori Yamada, Lecture by Center for Information Infrastructure, University of Toyama, 2017/2/20
- Flipped learning support system for foreign language learning and its practical use, Masanori Yamada, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies 6th Study Session of the Accelerated Program for the Revitalization of University Education, 2017/1/26
- What should be done to support learning in university libraries?, Masanori Yamada, Special workshop of Ishikawa University Library Association, 2016/10/13
- Using Learning Analytics to Improve Education, Masanori Yamada, Symposium of the 32nd National Conference of the Japan Society for Educational Technology "Learning Support and Learning Evaluation in the Age of Big Data? From the Perspective of Educational Technology Research?", 2016/9/18
- Learning data for effective and efficient learning improvement: From the viewpoint of self-regulated learning, Masanori Yamada, Kyushu University and INPT seminar, 2016/2/29
- Think about the learning support that university libraries can provide., Masanori Yamada, Kumamoto Prefectural Council of University Libraries Workshop for Practitioners, 2015/8/28
- Current State of Active Learning. Focusing on Design and Tools, Masanori Yamada, Fukuoka Prefectural Fukuoka High School Teachers' Workshop, 2015/6/25
- Developing an Active Learning Classroom? Why Active Learning Now?, Masanori Yamada, The 1st FD meeting of Kurume National College of Technology, 2015/6/5
- What is active learning? - How to conduct an active learning type class, Masanori Yamada, Fukuoka Prefectural Itoshima High School Teachers' Workshop, 2015/5/29
- Active Learning in New Libraries, Masanori Yamada, Library Exhibition 2015 at Onna Village, 2015/5/16
- University Libraries Contributing to Improving the Quality of Education ? Implications from Educational Technology -, Masanori Yamada, Kyushu Regional Council of the Association of Private University Libraries, 2015/4/16
- The Role of Social Presence for Quality Interaction in Social Media, Masanori Yamada, Social Media for All 2015 ? 21st International Education and Technology Conference, 2015/4/10
- Designing Learning Support Systems Using Various Learning Theories ? In Search of Effective Learning Support Systems, Masanori Yamada, Fukuoka University of Education Graduate School of Education Special Funded Project for Fiscal 2014 Development of Digital-based Teaching Materials to Foster Advanced Teaching Practice Skills - Handing Down the Artisan's Craftsmanship - 1st Workshop for Improvement of Developed Teaching Materials, 2015/3/3
- University Libraries as Support Environments for Teaching and Learning? A Case Study of Domestic and International Libraries, Masanori Yamada, Association of National University Libraries Symposium 2014, 2015/1/28
- Support for learning in conjunction with classes - Thinking about what libraries can do, Masanori Yamada, Miyazaki Prefecture University Library Staff Workshop, 2014/11/28
- Academic Support in University Libraries to Improve the Quality of Education, Masanori Yamada, Kumamoto University 21st Century University Education Seminar "Improving the Quality of Education and the Role of Libraries: From the Perspective of Learning Support", 2014/1/24
- The Role of University Libraries in Future Human Resource Development: Focusing on Learning Support, Masanori Yamada, 99th National Library Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, Session 2: "Considering the Library's Support for Academic Learning, 2013/11/22
- New Learning Space Learning Commons, Masanori Yamada, Kwansei Gakuin University Academic Commons Symposium & Center for the Advancement of Higher Education 4th FD Lecture "Rediscovering Learning Starting with the Academic Commons, 2013/10/2
- The Role of University Libraries and the Situation Surrounding Universities, Masanori Yamada, Short-term training program for university library staff in 2013, 2013/10/1
- The Challenge of University Libraries to Support Active Learning, Masanori Yamada, Kyushu Institute of Technology MILAiS Forum "Realizing the Next Generation of Learning: Environmental Design to Promote Active Learning, 2013/9/28
- Classroom design incorporating collaborative active learning - in terms of learning behaviors, learning spaces, and learning tools?, Masanori Yamada, Nagasaki University Educational Innovation Symposium 2013, 2013/8/3
- Learning Support in the Learning Commons - From the Perspective of Formal and Informal Learning, Masanori Yamada, Kwansei Gakuin University Academic Commons Opening Commemorative Symposium "The World Opened by New Learning Spaces - Activation of Knowledge Generated by 'Awareness and Encounter", 2013/7/10
- Learning Support in University Libraries: What We Can and Will Do, Masanori Yamada, Kanazawa University "Library Function Enhancement Program" Symposium "Future of Learning Support in University Libraries, 2013/3/27
- Redesigning University Libraries for Future Talent Development, Masanori Yamada, 2012 Tohoku University Library Staff Comprehensive Workshop "Active Learning and the Role of University Libraries in the Future", 2013/2/28
- Learning Support in University Libraries - Thinking about what we can do from overseas examples, Masanori Yamada, Tokai Area Association of University Libraries Workshop, 2012/12/13
- Thinking about the present and future of learning support in university libraries - with a focus on the initiatives of the Kanazawa University Learning Commons, Masanori Yamada, 14th Library Exhibition Forum "Current Situation and Challenges of Learning Support in Libraries", 2012/11/21
- Learning Support in University Libraries from the Perspective of Educational Technology: What and How Learning Support Should Be Provided, Masanori Yamada, Public University Association Library Council Workshop, 2012/9/7
- Considering the use and learning support in the Learning Commons, Masanori Yamada, Maruzen/DNP Joint Seminar "New Learning Environments and the Role of University Libraries", 2012/1/27
- How to contribute to global research? Through the dissemination of research results overseas?, Masanori Yamada, The 27th National Symposium of the Japan Society for Educational Technology, 2011/9/18
- Designing Collaborative Learning Environments to Motivate Learning, Masanori Yamada, Hokkaido University Center for Information Infrastructure Open International Symposium "ICT + Autonomous Learning + Motivation", 2011/2/19
- Foreign Language Learning and Social Media, Frontiers of Foreign Language Education: Social Media, Advanced Media Open Up the Future of Foreign Language Education and Our Society, Masanori Yamada, 2010 Forum of the Liberal Arts Center, University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences, 2010/12/11
- Foreign Language Education Using Social Media, Masanori Yamada, BEAT Seminar "Social Innovation in Foreign Language Learning", 2010/9/4
- Development and Evaluation of Social Software Based on Social Presence in Language Education, Masanori Yamada, Panelist, The 50th Anniversary National Conference of the Japanese Association of Media in Foreign Language Education: A New Form of Symbiosis between Media and Foreign Language Education, Plenary Symposium, 2010/8/5
- Current Status and Issues in ICT-based Education, Masanori Yamada, Kanazawa University 150th Anniversary Commemorative Project Symposium Series: The Future of ICT-based Education and Kanazawa University's Information Strategy, 2010/7/8
- New University Consortium and Active Learning, Masanori Yamada, Public Symposium of Strategic Inter-University Cooperation Support Program "The Reborn University Consortium Ishikawa and its Future Vision" in commemoration of the relocation of the University Consortium Ishikawa, 2010/3/5
- Introduction of Language Education System Project, Masanori Yamada, Kanazawa University, Center for Research and Teaching of Foreign Languages Research Group, 2009/6/30
- Learning Systems in Universities and their Backgrounds, Masanori Yamada, Kanazawa University Center for Development and Support of Higher Education, 224th Joint Study Session, 2009/3/31
- Development and Evaluation of English Listening Materials Tailored to Learners' Contexts? On the practice of "Nari-giri English!, Masanori Yamada, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Symposium "Considering Digital Content Creation in Universities, 2008/2/20
Administration works in University
Kyushu University (2013-Present)
- Adjunct associate professor at FAC Learning Analytics Center (2016.4〜2021.3)
- Collaborator, R&D department at Central Library(2013.4〜)
- Office Member, Office of Educational Reform Planning and Support (2013.4〜2014.9)
- Adjunct Faculty, Student Support Center(2014.4〜2015.3)
- Member of the University Evaluation Expert Committee(2013.4〜2017.3)
- Member, Information Systems Committee, College of Education (2013.4〜2016.3)
- Cooperating Teachers, Innovation Center for Educational Resource(2013.4〜2014.3)
- Member, Next Generation Education Unit, LA Division, Education Reform Headquarters(2017.9 – 2022.3)
- Chief of R&D Development, Learning Analytics Center(2021.4 -)
Director of the Division of Digital Society Creation (April 2024 – Present)
Kanawaza University(2009-2012)
- Member, University-wide FD Committee(2009.6〜2012.12)
- Member, Inter-University Strategic GP Steering Committee(2009.6〜2011.3)
- Member of Practice Committee, FD/ICT Education Promotion Office(2009.4〜2010.3)
- Chair, Practice Committee, FD/ICT Education Promotion Office(2010.4〜2012.12)
- Members of ICT Education System WG, Education and Research Informatization Promotion Subcommittee, Information Strategy Headquarters (2010.5〜2012.12)
- Common Education Committee Members(2010.5〜2012.12)
- Vice Chair, Learning Commons Steering Committee, Library Committee(2010.6〜2012.12)
- Member of Integrated Authentication and Portal Development WG, Information Strategy Headquarters(2010.6〜2012.12)
- Member of Core Curriculum WG, Organization for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development(2012.4〜2012.7)