Members of Yamada Laboratory
Alumni and ex-Members of Yamada Laboratory
Hiroyuki Watanabe (Technical Staff: October 2019-March 2022)
A Study on Identification of Learning Skills and Learning Support Skills Based on Learning Analytics
Li Chen (Completed Dec 2021: Oct 2021 - Mar 2022: Academic Research Fellow) PhD. (Education)
Currently an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
"Collaborative Problem Solving-based STEM Instructional Design based on Learning Analytics"
Recipient of the CELDA 2020 Best Paper Award
Geng Xuewang (February 2024 Graduate), Ph.D. (Education)
Currently a Specially Appointed Assistant Professor at the Institute for Data-Driven Innovation, Kyushu University
Research on a Japanese Compound Verb Learning Support System Using AR
Mamiko Eto (M.A., completed March 2017)
Currently employed as a school nurse in Fukuoka City and enrolled in the Doctoral Program at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Saga University.
During the master's program, conducted research on the development of health literacy using the knowledge-constructive jigsaw method in primary and secondary education.
Recipient of the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies Dean's Award for Best Achievement.
Feier Tang (M.A., completed March 2017)
A study on the design and evaluation of an English vocabulary learning game using GPS
Satomi Hamada (M.A., completed March 2020)
After working at Benesse Corporation (Classi Inc.), currently a doctoral student in the Ogata Laboratory, Department of Social Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.
During the master's program, conducted research on the development of a learning support system for mathematical proof problems in junior high school.
Xuanqi Feng (M.A., completed March 2021)
Research on the development of a learning analytics infrastructure for game-based learning environments in informal learning (SSCI Journal "Journal of Educational Technology & Society" (Impact factor: 2.086))
Xu, Yufan (M.A., completed September 2021)
Development and Evaluation of a Visualization System for Learning Activities Associated with Group Discussion
Saki Hirata (M.A., completed March 2024)
Currently employed at ALL DIFFERENT Co., Ltd. (formerly Learning Agency Co., Ltd.).
Conducting research on the development and evaluation of an English vocabulary learning support system using speech recognition technology and self-regulated learning support through voice memory strategies.
Received the Honorable Mention Poster Award at Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2024 (CORE Ranking A and #20 in Educational Technology on Google Scholar Metrics).
Technical Staff

Technical Staff
Rie Akutagawa
Research Project
Research Project "Construction of Educational Data Literacy Model and Development of Related Systems

Co-researcher: Research Assistant Professor at the Data-Driven Innovation Initiative, Kyushu University
Geng Xuewang
Research Project
- Research on Smart Learning Design
- Research on Learning Analytics
- Research on a Japanese Compound Verb Learning Support System Using AR

Co-researcher: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
Li Chen
Research Project
- Research on Smart Learning Design
- Research on Learning Analytics
- Research on STEM Education Utilizing Collaborative Problem-Solving Learning

Co-researcher: Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University
Lu Min
Research Project
- Research on the Development of a Digital Teaching Material Distribution System Integrated with Learning Analytics
- Research on the Development of the Learning Behavior Visualization System "Reading Path"

Co-researcher: Associate Professor at the Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University
Yuta Taniguchi
Research Project
- Research on the Development of a Digital Teaching Material Distribution System Integrated with Learning Analytics

Co-researcher: Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
Fumiya Okubo
Research Project
- Research on the Development of a Digital Teaching Material Distribution System Integrated with Learning Analytics

Co-researcher: Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
Shogo Fukushima
Research Project
- Research on Smart Learning Design
- Research on the Design and Development of a Learning Support System Combining VR and Learning Analytics

Seminar Auditor (Third Year, Doctoral Program)
Liu Jingyi
Graduated University
- Master's Degree: Kyushu University (Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society)
- Bachelor's Degree: Capital Normal University, Beijing, China; 3+1 Program at Hiroshima University (Major in Japanese Language Education)
(1) Research
Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University (Language Media and Communication Course), Uchida Laboratory
Research Focus: Difficulty Assessment of Japanese Texts for Learners -
(2) Representative Achievements
・Papers and Journals
1. Liu Jingyi (2022) “An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Semantic Features of Adjectives and the Levels of Japanese Teaching Materials” Integrated Sciences for Global Society 28(2): 24-36
2. Liu Jingyi (2021) “Feature Extraction of Adjectives by Level Using Correspondence Analysis: A Case Study of Japanese Reading Materials.” English Corpus Society Vocabulary Research Meeting, March 21, 2021 (Online).
3. Liu Jingyi (2021) “Analysis of Semantic Features of Adjectives Using a Corpus of Level-based Reading Materials: Using the ‘Bunrui Goihyō’.” Japan Association for Japanese Language Education Autumn Conference, November 28, 2021 (Online).
4. Liu Jingyi (2022) “Development and Validation of a Difficulty Discrimination Formula for Japanese Textbooks.” 2022 Chinese Symposium on Japanese Language Studies, November 12, 2022 (Online).
5. Liu Jingyi (2023) “Level-based Topic Analysis and Preliminary Vocabulary List in Japanese Textbooks.” East Asia Language and Culture Society, February 19, 2023 (Online).
6. Liu Jingyi (2023) “Proposal of a Method for Determining Text Difficulty Based on Topics Using SVC.” Japan Society for Educational Technology Spring Conference, March 26, 2023 (Tokyo Gakugei University).
7. Liu Jingyi (2023) “A Study on the Linguistic Features of Level-based Japanese Textbooks: From a Comparative Perspective Between Japan and China.” 48th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Contrastive Linguistics, May 21, 2023 (Online).
8. Liu Jingyi (2023) “Exploring Difficulty-related Features of Japanese Texts and Model Construction Based on SVM.” Society for Quantitative Linguistics, September 23, 2023 (Waseda University).

Research Fellow in Academic Collaboration
Hao Hao
Graduated University
- Undergraduate: Tianjin Normal University (China)
- Mie University (Japan)
- Master's degree: Mie University (Japan)
(1) Research
Research on the design of Japanese language CLIL classes utilizing ACT
(2) Representative Achievements
・Papers and Journals
1. Hao, H. and Yamada, M. (2021). A review of research on content-language integrated learning classes from the viewpoint of first principles of instruction, Information Technology in Teaching and Learning, 1(1), Rvw-p001.
・International Conference
2. Hao, H., Susono, H., & Yamada, M. (2018). Effectiveness of Content-Language Integrated Learning Lesson Design Based on First Principles of Instructional Theory. A Case Study. In 15th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2018 (pp. 201-207), IADIS Publishing.
3. Chen, L., Uemura, H., Hao, H., Goda, Y., Okubo, F., Taniguchi, Y., Yamada, M. (2018). Relationship between Cooperative Problem Solving, Learning Performance, and Learning Behaviors in Science Education. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE) (pp. 17-24) Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

2nd Year Master's Student
Tang Li
Graduated University
- Undergraduate: Dalian University of Technology (China)
- Ritsumeikan University (Graduate of Dual Degree Program)
(1) Research
Development and evaluation of a support system for learning semi-technical vocabulary in computer science
(2) Representative Achievements
1. Li Tang, Masanori Yamada, “Design and Development of a System for Learning Onomatopoeia Using Virtual Reality,” 39th Educational Learning Support Systems (CLE) Research Meeting, March 2023.
2. Li Tang, Masanori Yamada, “Onomatopoeia Learning System Using Virtual Reality Technology: Design Based on the Classification of Emotional Expressions,” Japan Society for Educational Technology 2024 Spring National Conference, March 2024.
3. Li Tang, Geng Xuewang, Masanori Yamada (2024). “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a VR System for Supporting Psych-mimetic Words Learning: From the Perspectives of Presence and Cognitive Load,” Japan Society for Educational Technology 2024 Autumn National Conference

1st Year Master's Student
Naohiro Higuchi
Graduated University
- School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation, Kyushu University
(1) Research
Research on the Development of a Learning Feedback System Utilizing Learning Analytics
(2) Representative Achievements
1. Higuchi Naohiro, Geng Xuewang, Masanori Yamada (2024). “Design of a Real-Time Learning Analytics Dashboard for Instructional Improvement during Lessons,” Japan Society for Educational Technology 2024 Autumn National Conference

1st Year Master's Student
Kohei Ozaki
Graduated University
- Seinan Gakuin University, Faculty of Law
(1) Research
Design and Evaluation of Inquiry-Based Learning to Encourage Proactive Career Choices
(2) Representative Achievements
None, at present

Research Student
Chu Hongyi
Graduated University
- Josai International University Graduate School
(1) Research
Development and Evaluation of a Learning Analytics Platform to Support Reflection on Test Results
(2) Representative Achievements
None, at present
Introduction of seminar activities conducted in Yamada Laboratory
Research Seminar
The research seminar consists of two parts. The first part is a seminar in which students and participants make presentations on their research and practice and discuss how to develop their research and practice. We discuss how to improve the research and practice presented by the presenters, what kind of data should be collected, where there may be opportunities for practice, what evaluation methods should be used, and so on. The second part is a reading of the English literature. The aim is to learn the basic theories needed in educational technology research. We are currently reading Cambridge Handbook of Cognition and Education.
Frequency and time: Twice a month (every other week) Mondays, 13:00-14:30
English Literature Seminar
The English Literature Seminar is a seminar in which participants read English-language articles related to their research and practice. Research in educational technology is conducted not only domestically but also internationally, and because it is research, it must be highly original. In order to conduct research and practice with a high degree of originality, it is necessary to review research and practice papers both domestically and internationally, and to examine the good points, points to be improved, and limitations of the papers. In this seminar, students are asked to select an article they would like to read from international journals, read it, compile it into a resume of three to five pages, and make a presentation. Afterwards, we will discuss the position of the paper in the presenter's research, future research development, etc., with the aim of learning research methods and developing research.
Frequency and time: Once a week on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Statistics Seminar
The Statistics Seminar is a seminar to learn about statistics, which is the basic knowledge for advancing educational technology research. This is an independent seminar for students. Since we are not doing research on statistics, we do not aim to go into statistics. We use statistics as a tool. However, even to use it as a tool, you must understand the minimum knowledge and rules. In this seminar, we aim to learn statistics as a tool by reading basic literature on statistics and actually analyzing data.
Frequency and time: Once a week on Mondays
Cognitive Psychology Seminar
The Cognitive Psychology Seminar is designed for students to gain an understanding of basic theories in order to advance their educational technology research. This seminar is conducted as an independent seminar for students. In learning, people perceive, process, interpret, and make sense of a variety of information. In this learning process, learning occurs in a variety of situations, including learning from a variety of information media and learning through apprenticeship in human relationships. But what kind of cognitive processing does a person perform in this process? There are many theories related to this question, and they are fundamental to educational technology research.
Frequency and time: Once a week on Mondays
Inquiry for participation in the seminar
We basically take a "welcome" attitude toward accepting seminar participation, but we do not accept those who are passive and say, "I don't want to be in charge of literature and presentations, but I want to participate”. As long as you participate, you will be in charge of literature reading and presentations at research seminars (as a rule of thumb, once or twice every six months). In addition, in order to ensure that you participate responsibly, we accept only those who will participate on an ongoing basis (we would like you to participate for at least six months). If you are a research minded person with a strong will to learn and enhance not only your own research but also the research of other participants, we are happy to welcome you. If you are interested in participating, please send me an email telling me which seminar you would like to participate in and why. I look forward to hearing from you.