Yamada Laboratory, Kyushu University

Contributed to the May 2023 Learning resources and information Magazine


Dr. Kitazawa (Tokyo Gakugei University), my senior in the Akabori Lab, asked me to contribute a piece about data utilization to the May 2023 issue of Learning Information Research. The title of the article is “Effectiveness and Challenges of Data-Driven Learning Environments,” and it introduces the learning analytics tools that I have been mainly involved in, and explains their effectiveness. It is totally different content from the one in “University Education and Information,” which is recently published as well and introduces Plus-DX.

In the article, I introduce “Reading path,” a tool for social comparison of learning behavior, “BR-Map” (now BQ-Map), a knowledge map generation tool linked to an eBook tool, “Social Knowledge Map” (developed in collaboration with Dr. Shimada’s team), the effectiveness of the “MAI Helper”, a self-regulation learning support tool that compares one’s own learning time with that of others and encourages the planning and reflection of one’s own learning plan. It also discusses issues that came to light while analyzing these tools.

If you are interested in learning analytics, please take a look.